Things basic women do.

Understandings and Expressions about Relationships, Race, Politics, Philosophy and Entertainment

Things basic women do.


1)Snoop through his stuff(i.e. phone)

They do this due to insecurity(as discussed in my first post: “The Root of Evil.”).  Though their insecurity in this regard may be founded, they nonetheless are violating his property.  THIS IS NOT ALLOWED..and is punishable under the coming PRIME LAW.  That’s why dudes need to become ill and get themselves a superwoman who won’t croak.


They lie because they have things about themselves/their life that they are not proud of.  Superwomen don’t have this problem.

3)Be Ugly

Ugliness is a sin. And depending on the severity of punishable by death.  Again, superwomen don’t have this problem.

4)Promote and glorify an “I’m a crazy chick!” image about herself.

Pretty much every male who’s lived in a community and reached high school age has heard and/or observed this ridiculously foolish cry for real confidence, protection and to be seen as “unique”. Probably the most highly celebrated “anthem” today for this inept, basic chick issue. –Observe the obscene number of views..well over a billion.  Be very clear:  Only those afflicted with mysticism can be legitimately “crazy”, for that is the only valid disease of the mind. Guess what?..superwomen don’t have either one of these problems.

5)Try to discredit and/or take away his empire

They do this due to their jealousy/envy. Not as much toward him as it is toward the superwomen who don’t have this problem and will surely outcompete her snooping, lying, “crazy”, ugly, basic, envious ass in worthiness and desirability for that ever-growing superman.

The moral of the story?.. Leave the basic ass women/girls behind. For a me..deserves a superwomen certainly.

Kareem G.


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