Ever wonder why there are people who look alike but are not necessarily related?

Understandings and Expressions about Relationships, Race, Politics, Philosophy and Entertainment

Ever wonder why there are people who look alike but are not necessarily related?

Facial characteristics are developed from the “thoughts” one vibrates with most often over time…even from the gestation period….–very likely even before that.

Make no mistake about it: When you see someone who resembles someone else you’ve seen or known from before that, the degree to which they look alike are most certainly proportionate to the degree to which they think alike. Complexion and race are not necessarily the focus here, but more specifically, the pronunciation of their facial characteristics. The vibration of a number of their ideas are congruous.  This is why individuals in the “parallel universe” most often ‘possess’ those who at least moderately resemble their physical appearance.  The more closely they resemble their ‘host’, the easier..the more fluid their control is over them…for their ideas are quite similar.

“They are everyone and they are no one”..


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