Understandings and Expressions about Relationships, Race, Politics, Philosophy and Entertainment


In this clip, Whitley is complaining to her friends about Dwayne’s new girlfriend..which is as a result of typical–what I call–:”romantic politics”. People in romantic relationships often–at some points–go through “romantic politics”: when someone or both of them begin testing each other through lying and/or “playing games” to see what they are willing to endure for the love they claim to feel (..”prove it” syndrome). Also because insecurity gets involved as well because they are looking for power to protect their PDDF’s. PDDF’s means Particularly Deeper Dynamic Feelings growing from romance=infatuation, love, lust. Insecurity gets involved because PDDF’s make people feel vulnerable, exposed and afraid..to get emotionally hurt. These PDDF’s don’t occur in an “only friendship” or familial relationship. So this aforementioned type of “testing” (“playing games” and such to insecurity from deeper and more vulnerable feelings) doesn’t have the chance to cause romantic politics, which in turn causes domestic disturbance…and even demise.

When a romantic relationship is experiencing that trouble stage, I believe a solution is to revisit your friendship(or best friendship) you hopefully share together as the foundation/framework of your relationship and to do this until you rejuvenate and strengthen your romantic love connection/bond to mutual satisfaction.

Kareem Supreme

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