Pure Freedom->Up/ Politics->Down

Understandings and Expressions about Relationships, Race, Politics, Philosophy and Entertainment

Pure Freedom->Up/ Politics->Down

Taking into consideration the good things happening around the world that don’t get much press, there are very bad things happening in the news that most people are aware of. The cowardly killings of the many African Americans lately by law enforcement is atrocious and racist–Yes. But if we REALLY want to see the problem solved and not just patched up with ultimately impotent actions like police body cameras, marches(yep!) and voting for the same empty rhetoric from the same political parties come election time, we need to recognize that it is bigger than race. Indeed, the problem is POLITICS.

We’ve all been victims guys– victims of false authorities and their politics which they depend on to survive in hopes of having suicidal control of the citizens.  From people suffering and dying by the millions from diseases because the Pharmaceutical Industry makes BILLIONS from people being TREATED instead of CURED…to millions of people who are jobless due to the irrationally manipulated, drowning economy…to war veterans being forced to lose time, peace of mind, body parts and their lives for questionable government operations…to the subpar curriculum mandated by law in the general education system…to the countless reports of authoritative abuse in various capacities throughout the history of countries governed by virulent politics. Black vs. White,  Christian vs. Muslim, Men vs. Women, Democrat vs. Republican–All manipulative distractions by the political losers (perpetuated by the media) to keep the population focused on being at odds with each other so that we don’t focus on the real problem.—the pathetic political efforts of the false authorities of the past that are against freedom and total world peace— and realize that all those who are living in congruity with the will of God are indeed, thereafter, their own authority.  

I’d like to take a brief moment here to touch on religion once again ever since my first blog–>The Root of Evil.  As I mentioned in it, there are also malevolent effects with religion that cause unnecessary confusion, guilt, separation when it comes to people in society.

To expound, growing up quite religious myself and visiting many friends’ places of worship from various religions back in college, I observed a disturbing degree of irrationalities among them.  These ranged from hypocritical behaviors of various religious followers–to questionable operational habits of different religious leaders–to even questionable religious philosophies that we may hear all the time.   I do believe that much of what I observed had, over many years, grown to be common findings among worshipers throughout the populous and weren’t exclusive to my own observant sense of things and similar active thinkers of society.  And for the sake of trying to maintain some peace of mind,  most of us just tended to willfully overlook these irrationalities…to our detriment…honestly.  We really must be fully honest with ourselves and each other to command victory of pure freedom of the mind and body.

With Love,


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