The Truth About Everything

Understandings and Expressions about Relationships, Race, Politics, Philosophy and Entertainment

The Truth About Everything

Everything was the beginning of existence.  Literally, everything(and the potential of anything)..just…be-came.. and that was the beginning of existence.  Pure consciousness is both a part of and is the controlling force of everything/ anything(potential).

That everything/ anything(potential) the truth of what we understand to be God..or as I now also call “It”—“The Divine Essence”. 

In the beginning, God (The Divine Essence and controlling force of Everything) created Itself in Spiritual form.  Then God–being of course perfect–identified the perfect, most basic system of things…Giving and Receiving.  God (The Divine Essence), then identified the association of that basic system with the concept of  ‘male’ and ‘female’; and with love, removed a rib from his ‘body’ in order to pull Goddess—also in Spiritual form—out from His spiritual heart area (His Essence).   He had then identified that He was the giver(male) and She was the receiver(female).   Next, He created Himself in physical form: Eden (Not Adam) — and She in physical form: Ana (Not Eve). [NOTE: Eden came back and was born later as Jordin(Not Jesus) and Ana as who we biblically refer to as Mary Magdalene.]  Spiritually, They have always been God and Goddess.   In a short-hand way to consider them, God is The Truth & Love and Goddess is Love & Truth.  She is inherently and primarily the embodiment of Love—as God is inherently and primarily the embodiment of Truth.  They both are each other and are individuals at the same time.  Both are everything.  In fact, Everything is Everything.  God is the most intense in being everything.  The male by nature—being the aggressor, God was the dominant and larger part of the whole which is why He be-came first.  God is the most dominant of all.  The female by nature—being the submitter (<-should be recognized as a word) to the male, was the submissive and smaller part of the whole.  Both God and Goddess naturally have both male and female energy as part of Their composition, but one experiences existence from a dominantly male perspective while the other experiences it from a dominantly female perspective.   They are two parts of a whole, but not exactly two halves..

I’ll expound:

The male and female concepts—in this context—are two complete halves. “Complete” meaning they are whole halves..fully functional on their own, but are ultimately two halves to the essential whole (The Divine Essence).  Half doesn’t mean 50% in this divine context.  Rather, in fact, after deliberate and acute discernment I’ve become resolved in the understanding that it’s actually approximately a 70/30 ratio of the whole of everything—the essential whole.  Being two halves of the same perfect whole, They of course, were perfect for each other in every way.  [NOTE: The accurate meaning of “halves” should be that there are only two parts that create a particular matter what their proportions. Ex: 80/20, 70/30 etc..].  They are the balance of each other.


The dynamic of the giver/receiver balance in a natural intimate(romantic) relationship can be a rich wonderous, ever evolving one:

When in love,  men—in their way—claim their female and desire to protect and provide.   They feel fully pleased doing this considering that she honors his male disposition and all that rationally comes with it.  She will do so willfully…if she is true.

Likewise, when in love, women—in their way—claim their male and desire to commit their body and soul to him.  She loves it.  He appreciates it.   And it’s a beautiful thing as long as he is responsible with her heart, mind and body. —Which happens naturally if he’s a benevolently oriented being.

I see evidence of this dynamic of a richly wonderous, natural romance, for example, in film and real-life relationships: how women like a man to take them on an emotional ride..sometimes including danger.  Even when I watch TV’s Dancing With The Stars,  I observe this in how the women are so willing to be thrown, spun, lifted, flipped, dipped and tossed around on the ballroom floor, even though they, as well as men, see women in many ways as the more delicate gender—which they certainly are.  I also observe this when I hear females ALWAYS include being “funny” as one of the most important characteristics they prefer to see in a potential male love interest.  All this because her spirit..her soul..remembers the first woman/her ‘grand’ mother’s experience with the first man/ her ‘grand’ father. —The first conscious beings of existence… God/Eden and Goddess/Ana—The first perfect male & female pair. 

[NOTE: Both were very dark in complexion, for black is the deepest color of vibration(everything vibrates). It represents the beginning of things(darkness comes first).  The most powerful, valuable and most in demand of natural resources throughout history are mostly very dark (ex: Coal, Soil, Oil, Negroes etc..). The darker the natural resource, the more organically potent it is.  All of which are most abundantly and with the greatest potency, found in lands near the equator—where the sun—the primary source of energy for the world—shines the brightest/most intensely (which is where the darkest and most organically potent human beings live on earth.  I’d rather not say “races” because we’re really all one race..the human race).  Examples of those lands include Mexico, The Caribbean(The West Indies), Kenya, Nigeria, The Middle East, India, Cambodia and The Philippines.]

***Upon separating, which they did at a point in space and time during the first one-thousand years of existence, there remained some like traits in both God/Eden/Jordin and Goddess/Ana/Mary M., but for the most part, one maintained an identity constituted by aspects toward one extreme and the other toward the other extreme.  Specific main commonalities plus contrasting elements (Yin and Yang).***

NOTE: Finally, in my writing I used the pronoun “It” and the term “Itself” in the beginning of the second and third paragraph to refer to The Divine Essence because “everything” is obviously not relegated to just the male sex, although we can correctly use the term “Him” or any other masculine pronoun also because of the male superiority as the dominant “half” of the essential whole.  He is essentially, the Supreme Being.

~Kareem G.

PS- Related Blogs: The Greatest Love<3  ,  God’s Will->Perfect Matches    ,  Higher Times

also.. Dance With Me , Intertwine , Be..longing & LLove, War and Evolution (LLove Story)

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