UPDATE: -How many kids do I want with you..to start the rest of our family? -You’re 5′ ?” -In which month of the year was Jesus reborn? -A Love Scene for an audience of ___? -Heart. -Love Scene audience. -What does the day of the month of both our birthdays equal to? -Love Scene audience. -Kids. -Heart. Sincerely,…
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God Unit- Stunt 101 Microcosm of Thy Life.. ..Yes.. ~God Almighty
You know me.. I dig deep. Not for treasure, but for the truth. Not for the common, but for you. / Babygurl’s a rare, elite class. Toes curl, I caress her sweet ass. / That yellow apple don’t have to be ripe to turn red. Spankin her with 12 inches up in the bed… She knows I rule-her. / She learns…
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