Month: September 2015

Understandings and Expressions about Relationships, Race, Politics, Philosophy and Entertainment

God’s Favorite Quote

“To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch,…
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My Neo Story

Pre-war: War–>Self Discovery: Being The One (vanguarding the take down of the 2000 year-old reign of the tempestuously sordid anti-civilization on Earth) is essentially the most challenging experience a human being can go through, for the very core of one’s spirit–where no one ever has to have invaded to such an ultimate extreme–is viciously attacked–head…
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Deep Thought..

Being in an Absolute Power Anonymous meeting and realizing you’re the only addict there and the moderator is the handsomest man you’ve ever seen.  ……Priceless. “Say u wanna squash it, what u still talkin sh*t fo?” ENCORE: Kareem G. One Related Blogs: Illumination in the Dark  ,  Higher Love

Things basic women do.

THINGS BASIC WOMEN DO: 1)Snoop through his stuff(i.e. phone) They do this due to insecurity(as discussed in my first post: “The Root of Evil.”).  Though their insecurity in this regard may be founded, they nonetheless are violating his property.  THIS IS NOT ALLOWED..and is punishable under the coming PRIME LAW.  That’s why dudes need to become ill and get themselves…
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Ever wonder why there are people who look alike but are not necessarily related?

Facial characteristics are developed from the “thoughts” one vibrates with most often over time…even from the gestation period….–very likely even before that. Make no mistake about it: When you see someone who resembles someone else you’ve seen or known from before that, the degree to which they look alike are most certainly proportionate to the…
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Pure Freedom->Up/ Politics->Down

Taking into consideration the good things happening around the world that don’t get much press, there are very bad things happening in the news that most people are aware of. The cowardly killings of the many African Americans lately by law enforcement is atrocious and racist–Yes. But if we REALLY want to see the problem…
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Black and White. Are all men truly created equal? hmmm.

In a rational/peaceful world, black people can continue to do things that are consciously, biologically, spiritually, physically superior while living their passion–creating their happiness.  And yet there needn’t be any jealousy or envy because once our world is one in which every good, peaceful individual is fully, truly free, it will usher in new, evolutionary…
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Why I’m excited about the growing turmoil in the world..

As much as I abhor the terrible stuff that’s happening in the world today…even more than that, I’m excited about it. I’ll explain.. You see, survival pressures make living things grow to new levels of existence.  Whether it’s babies needing more space once they’ve grown too large to remain in the womb, or plants pushing up…
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LLove, War and Evolution (Kareem — Deepest Battle and Self Discovery)- Special Layer

ALL THINGS COME TO AN END. (?) —  I’ve heard this cliché many times in my life, but always questioned its validity.  It seemed to be subconsciously provoking sadness about life. The Fact of the matter is.. Once the world went ‘True‘ this cliché ceased to be valid. On the contrary, ALL awesome things go on FOREVER…ensuring abiding…
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Nothing is free in this world?

Have you heard this before?  I have..a few times in my life.  Do you agree? Well, I never agreed. The most obvious reason was that I knew that I myself was capable of–and have–,in fact, given of myself or possessions..expecting nothing in return.  I’ve tried not to have too many days like this: Lol. As referenced in my earlier post, “Black people…
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