Category: Politics

Understandings and Expressions about Relationships, Race, Politics, Philosophy and Entertainment

Context of a Chronicle (abridged)

The Godfather Related Blogs: Countdown..(Third Coming)  , God’s Will->Perfect Matches , The Originals , Shooters, Saviors & Songs , Wild Kingdom , God-Damned Menace (GTFOH) , We Own the Night

The Greatest Love <3

THE GREATEST LOVE <3 by: Kareem Gibbs Table of Contents: Chapter 1: The Divine Pair & The Root of Evil Chapter 2: God’s Divine Plan (The Blackprint) Chapter 3: They’re Back.. Chapter 4: She Returns Again Chapter 5: He Returns Again Chapter 6: The Telepathic Saga (Conclusion) Chapter 1 The Divine Pair & The Root of Evil This…
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Indeed they’re intention had been to scare the Natural/Hollistic/Alternative medical industry into severely limiting and even discontinuing its integral life-saving efforts, since just under a TRILLION dollars was made ever year by Big Pharma. Their intentions MOST CERTAINLY had NOT been to cure any diseases. For that would’ve surely ended their exorbitant revenue stream while breaking the entire industry down to just…
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LLove, War and Evolution (All the King’s Angels)

A True Story occurring in multiple layers. This Layer is entitled “All the King’s Angels”. (For best results, read this video book in order of sequence) ———————————————————————– FORESHADOW: ANGELS’ DESTINY India Arie “Beautiful Flower” — Evolution: “Anything is possible, Angel(s).” 🙂 ~The King of Kings ———————————————————————– PART 1: Mariah “Cruise Control” –Rib Brandy “Say you…
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Deep Thought..

Being in an Absolute Power Anonymous meeting and realizing you’re the only addict there and the moderator is the handsomest man you’ve ever seen.  ……Priceless. “Say u wanna squash it, what u still talkin sh*t fo?” ENCORE: Kareem G. One Related Blogs: Illumination in the Dark  ,  Higher Love

Pure Freedom->Up/ Politics->Down

Taking into consideration the good things happening around the world that don’t get much press, there are very bad things happening in the news that most people are aware of. The cowardly killings of the many African Americans lately by law enforcement is atrocious and racist–Yes. But if we REALLY want to see the problem…
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Why I’m excited about the growing turmoil in the world..

As much as I abhor the terrible stuff that’s happening in the world today…even more than that, I’m excited about it. I’ll explain.. You see, survival pressures make living things grow to new levels of existence.  Whether it’s babies needing more space once they’ve grown too large to remain in the womb, or plants pushing up…
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Exterminating all white people? this.

This dude is a soldier for the truth. Was he wrong? Should he have answered their “set-up” question. What we just witnessed here is a long-running tactic used by racists and tacit supporters of racists/racism alike. See..there was a looong period of time..all the way up to a few decades ago–when if you were to…
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